14 septiembre 2008

Knowing the fate of family is a human right

This is one of the claims created for the next event of the Bloggers Unite. Over 10000 bloggers from all around the world will post on November 10th about the Refugees Unite, a non-profit organization that help refugees in reconnecting with their families.
Refugees Unite is a search engine that makes people find information about loved persons with an anonymous forum. Founded by two brothers - Christopher and David - after a personal experience in helping a young Afghan, it's save and free of charge.

Join this initiative of Bloggers Unite means using your voice for the more than 40 million voiceless refugees. Personal stories, thoughts or simply an article about Refugees United will help this message of hope to reach as much people as possible.

The Bloggers Unite has already sensitized the internet public awareness of other issues like abuses, organ donation and human rights, arousing the attention of an important media channel as the CNN.
For further information about how to join and patecipate, please visit the Bloggers Unite site.

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